You have to put in many, many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile.

Friday, 27 November 2009

UNDERSTANDING THE MEDIUM OF FILM - a story of my experience behind the camera...

I am very excited about the film project. It is something that I always wanted to do. Being behind a camera was always my passion anyway, so a chance to do it for a live audience is just fantastic! Watching a film is like entering a relationship. The viewer becomes a link that joins fantasy: film and camera, and reality: the cinema and our lives. I love the feeling when a really good movie's plot takes over your thoughts. It comes back to your mind like a flashback from the past. Enters your thoughts and pushing you to reflect upon your own life.

Film has the ability to overtake our senses, create complete world and become very seductive in a way that no other medium can. My aim in this project is to achieve that goal. In order to do that I have decided to do a little research to get as much understanding of this medium as possible.

THE FILM THREESOME it's a very interesting relationship:

1. THE FILM - fantasy, the story, this is where the MAGIC HAPPENS!
2. THE VIEWER (the act of perception, feeding the mind and affecting thoughts)
3. REALITY (source, inspiration and ground)

MY ULTIMATE GOAL: in order to succeed, the story needs to be strong enough to be able to relocate the action from the screen into the viewers mind, create a relationship and awake our deep emotions and reflections.

My group decided to do a film about the experience of SPACE through the four senses: Touch, Smell, Hearing and Seeing. We have divided ourselves into four small groups and each of us is responsible for one of the senses.

Luckily I got into the Vision Group! Great!!! I love images, watching things, people, shapes, the list is never ending...

This is a sample cover for the DVD, which I created in Photoshop:

Sunday, 15 November 2009

How to Create a Storyboard.

Storyboards are the bible of a film’s production. They communicate at many levels. They translate director's mind and communicate ideas between the talent, the production team, and potential investors.

Filmmakers begin their project by creating storyboards. A storyboard looks like a cartoon strip and contains pictures of the main events in sequence. Hitchcock was famous for being a perfectionist at storyboarding. He was so detailed about drawing the storyboards that he considered that phase to be the actual process of making the film. For him actual filming was just an obligation. The making of the storyboards was where most of the creative work took place. As his storyboards determined exactly what the shot would look like, production for Hitchcock, then, was simply a matter of creating live versions of the storyboards he'd already made.
Spielberg, on the other hand, has been known to hire armies of artists to do it. Now, thanks to new technologies, even the most basic videomaker can make use of it. In fact, if you don't do it you could be getting yourself into a lot of problems. Storyboarding helps visualizing the plot of the movie before it is being filmed. 
It reduces time spent in undirected discussion and allows to share ideas in a group. Most of all it contributes to making the quality of the final animation much better.

Storyboard = an excellent tool for planning a production (Pre-Visualize the idea)+ tool for communication with others (Clearest Language)


Most storyboards are rendered with a fast, easily controlled medium such as pencil, ink and charcoal dust or dry marker.

1. Introduce the set of the story. Draw a picture of the set and main character.
2. Draw in sequences what happens next. Add caption below the sequences.

To find out more about storybarding click on the link below:

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Human Factors in Interior Spaces.

The Interior Spaces are designed as places for human activity, movement and response.